User Registration/Login


User registration system

e107 allows 3 user registration system:

  • Register & Login - allow users to register as members on your site
  • Login Only - users are able to log in but they are not able to create an account
  • Disabled -  registration system is disabled. Users are not able to log in via the frontend, neither create an account. Only way how to log in is via admin interface

The new user verification method

if you allow registration, you can set how new accounts are approved:

  • No Verification - by submitting signup form only
  • Email Verification  - registration email is sent, user needs to confirm registration by link in this email
  • Admin Approval -  no registration email is sent, user can be approved only manually by admin

You can use the notification system to notifying about new user creation. 

User login method

You can set way how user can log in your site:

  • Username/Email and Password - by inserting username or email, both works
  • Email and Password - it can be used only email
  • Username and Password - only username, not email, can be used

Restrict website to members only

When you need only the membership site. No content is displayed not log in users.  The forms like login, signup, and forgotten password are changed a bit.  Check if your theme uses correct way how to manage this.

For membership site set this ON. Save and then return back to the set frontpage. Because ticking will restrict all areas apart from the front page and signup page to members only.

You can set as frontpage: 

  • login page (login form is displayed for guests)
  • membership page (Message about limited access is displayed, but no login form)

You can set exceptions for member limitations in the next field. Members only-mode will be disabled for URLs that match any of the terms in this list. One per line. 

Auto-login new user after clicking on the signup link

- with set this off, after click on link in registration email, user needs to log in manually (If disabled, user has to explicitly log in after signup)

Settings for user fields:

  • the maximum length of Display Name (minimum is 5)
  • the maximum length of Login Name (minimum is 10)
  • the minimum Length for Passwords

Maximum Signups permitted from the same IP address.

 with blank this feature is disabled. Otherwise, the system checks the number of login users from the same IP address.