Outdated themes


Theme's demos on this site were removed

There is no point to continue with theme development for e107 for me

We use for our clients WordPress, nowadays Elementor mostly. My free time is limited and nobody wants to pay for a new theme. 

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Information about Creative Tim licences

Some new information

Creative Tim has new bootstrap5 themes and of course, I was curious.  I almost bought a developer license again, but then I checked their license policy.  I am sure that when I bought Gaia and others (I don't think I used them, maybe denice theme was available for free), there was a different developer license available. 

Now they separated it into company and enterprise licenses and formerly developer is now called a company license. 

 With developer license I can't :

  • Create a Template, UI Kit, Dashboard, Theme, or Plugin using the Item and make it available for sale or free. For example, You can't purchase an HTML template, convert it to a WordPress theme and sell or give it to more than one client.

I can't create a free theme!  You can do this with themeforest themes with a single license, so imagine my surprise.  Of course, I didn't buy the new bundle. But I asked them to upgrade my old bundle and they kindly give me one freelancer license for testing and learning.  It means that I will do themes only for myself. 

What about old developer licenses?  

  1. The License grants permission to 5 (five) to 20 (twenty) persons to access and use the Item.  Again funny, I am sure this wasn't mentioned before.  (Later I found that it means to add access to their admin area, I have never tried this)

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kreossino 8 months ago

heyyy tutto ok????? ...!!!!

Jimako 1 year ago

Thanks for testing. And next funny thing - I forgot to uninstall APOS plugin, so it still created welcome post for you in forum, but forum is not installed... Just a reminder to look at it.

Tgtje 1 year ago

@Jimako just info : 1st activ. mail not received (2 day wait), resend ok (20 seconds) wink .

Jimako 1 year ago

test first message biglaugh confused

Jimako 1 year ago

@Alex try this one: https://cookie-script.com/

Jimako 1 year ago

In fact, I have never notice this because with WP plugin it is free. I will see what it does after free trial.

Alex 1 year ago

Well it's nice but 10 dollar a month for a business use pro domain... that costs more than the hosting frown

Jimako 1 year ago

And yes, it works very nicely... I use it long time. Just first or second time used on e107 site.

Jimako 1 year ago

@Alex I have that free version. It is enough for me, I was just curious what cookies are used with e107. You can add new one manually too. There is similar WP plugin, I had almost e107 version too. But I needed that scan and WP version is very limited agains online solution.

Latest Comments

news LGSL plugin released 1 year ago

Updated path where download this older version.

Posted by Jimako

10 Years







